Course Catalog Sommersemester 2021 - Institute Systemarchitektur

Version Date 20.03.2025


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Course Module hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Database Foundations INF-B-370 , INF-LE-EUI , INF-LE-PHY , INF-SEBS-INF-11 , INF-SEGY-INF-11 , INF-SEMS-INF-11 , IST-05-PF-HS 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner, Dr. Thiele Systemarchitektur
Datenintegration und -analyse D-WW-INF-3421 , D-WW-INF-3422 , D-WW-INF-3423 , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-2 , INF-LE-WW , INF-VERT4 , MINF-04-FG-IAS , WI-MA-08-01 , WI-MA-09-01 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur
Forschungspraktikum DB-Anwendungsentwicklung INF-04-KP , INF-PM-FPA , MINF-04-KP-FG3 0/0/8 german Dr. Thiele Systemarchitektur
Forschungspraktikum DB-Systemarchitektur INF-04-KP , INF-PM-FPG , MINF-04-KP-FG3 0/0/8 german Prof. Habich Systemarchitektur
Hauptseminar Datenbanken INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-04-HS , INF-AQUA , INF-D-940 , INF-VERT4 , IST-05-FG-AVS , IST-05-HS , MINF-04-HS 0/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Informatik II für Verkehrsingenieurwesen INF-LE-VW 2/1/1 german Prof. Habich Systemarchitektur
Komplexpraktikum DB-Anwendungsentwicklung INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , IST-05-KP 0/0/4 german Dr. Thiele Systemarchitektur
Komplexpraktikum DB-Systemarchitektur INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , IST-05-KP 0/0/4 german Prof. Habich Systemarchitektur
Masterpraktikum Datenbanken INF-04-KP , INF-04-P , INF-E-4 , INF-MA-PR , MINF-04-FG-IAS 0/0/8 german Prof. Habich Systemarchitektur
Proseminar Datenbanken INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 , WI-BA-08 0/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Scalable Data Management INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-2 , INF-VERT4 , IST-05-PF-HS , MINF-04-FG-IAS 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Transactional Information Systems - Übung DSE-10-M2 , DSE-14-M3 , DSE-M2 , DSE-M3 , INF-B-370 0/2/0 german Prof. Lehner, Dr. Thiele Systemarchitektur

Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (ab WiSe23-24 siehe Privacy and Security)

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Course Module hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Analyse eines Forschungsthemas in Datenschutz und Datensicherheit INF-D-960 8P/PB english Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Anwendungsforschung Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - Praktika und Projektarbeiten INF-PM-FPA 8P/PB english/german Dr. Franz , Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Doktorandenseminar Datenschutz und Datensicherheit FAK-INF-FF 0/2/0 english/german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Seminar on Privacy INF-AQUA , INF-D-940 0/2/0 german Dr. Köpsell , M.Sc. Byrenheid Systemarchitektur
Computers and Society FAK-INF-FF , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-AQUA , INF-B-610 , INF-D-940 , INF-LA20 , INF-SEGY-INF-17 , INF-SEMS-INF-17 , IST-05-FG-AVS , MINF-04-FG-IAS 2/0/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Information and Coding Theory INF-B-260 , INF-D-310 2/1/0 german Dr. Franz Systemarchitektur
Advanced Practical Course Cryptography and Security INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-E-4 , INF-MA-PR 0/0/4 english/german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Advanced Practical Course Cryptography and Security INF-SEBS-INF-17 , INF-SEGY-INF-17 , INF-SEMS-INF-17 0/0/2 english/german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis D-WW-INF-3421 , D-WW-INF-3422 , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-3 , INF-LE-WW , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT4 , IST-05-FG-AVS , MINF-04-FG-IAS , WI-BA-08 2/2/0 german Dr. Franz Systemarchitektur
Privacy Enhancing Technologies INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-3 , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT4 2/2/0 english Prof. Strufe Systemarchitektur
Proseminar Systems Security INF-04-PS , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 , MINF-04-PS 0/2/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Security and Cryptography II D-WW-INF-3421 , D-WW-INF-3422 , DSE-10-E1 , DSE-14-E1 , DSE-E1 , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-3 , INF-DSE-20-E-ASC , INF-LE-WW , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT4 , MCL-CSE 2/2/0 english Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Security Lab INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-3 , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT4 2/2/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur

Tactile Computing (Junior-Professur)

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This chair offers no courses within the current semester

Distributed and Networked Systems (ab WiSe23-24; vorm. Rechnernetze)

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This chair offers no courses within the current semester

Privacy and Security (ab WiSe23-24; vorm. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit)

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This chair offers no courses within the current semester

Rechnernetze (ab WiSe23-24 siehe Distributed and Networked Systems)

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Course Module hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Internship Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing DSE-10-INT , DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-PM-FPA 8P/PB german/english Dr. Springer Systemarchitektur
Internship Computer Networks DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-PM-FPA 8P/PB german/english Dr. Feldmann, Dr. Walter Systemarchitektur
Internship Service and Cloud Computing DSE-10-INT , DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-PM-FPA 8P/PB german/english Dr. Braun Systemarchitektur
Hauptseminar Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing INF-04-HS , INF-AQUA , INF-D-940 , IST-05-HS , MINF-04-HS 0/2/0 german/english Prof. Schill, Dr. Springer Systemarchitektur
Hauptseminar Rechnernetze INF-04-HS , INF-AQUA , INF-D-940 , IST-05-HS , MINF-04-HS 0/2/0 german Prof. Schill, Dr. Feldmann Systemarchitektur
Hauptseminar Service and Cloud Computing INF-04-HS , INF-AQUA , INF-D-940 , IST-05-HS , MINF-04-HS 0/2/0 german/english Prof. Schill, Dr. Braun Systemarchitektur
Internet and Web Applications D-WW-INF-3421 , D-WW-INF-3422 , D-WW-INF-3423 , DSE-10-E6 , DSE-14-E5 , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-B-520 , INF-BAS3 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-1 , INF-DSE-20-E-IWA , INF-LE-MA , INF-LE-WW , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT3 , INF-VERT4 , INF-VMI-3A , IST-05-FG-AVS , MATH-MA-INFVSY , MCL-CSE , MINF-04-FG-SAT , WI-BA-08 , WI-MA-08-01 , WI-MA-09-01 2/2/0 english Prof. Schill, Dr. Feldmann Systemarchitektur
Internship Mobile and Ubiquitous Compu-ting DSE-10-INT , DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-04-KP , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-E-4 , INF-MA-PR , INF-VMI-3A , IST-05-FG-AVS , IST-05-KP , MINF-04-FG-SAT , MINF-04-KP-FG2 0/0/4 german Prof. Schill, Dr. Springer Systemarchitektur
Komplexpraktikum Rechnernetze DSE-10-INT , DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-04-KP , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-E-4 , INF-MA-PR , IST-05-FG-AVS , IST-05-KP , MINF-04-FG-SAT , MINF-04-KP-FG2 0/0/4 german/english Dr. Feldmann, Dr. Walter Systemarchitektur
Komplexpraktikum Service and Cloud Computing DSE-10-INT , DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-04-KP , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-E-4 , INF-MA-PR , IST-05-FG-AVS , IST-05-KP , MINF-04-FG-SAT , MINF-04-KP-FG2 0/0/4 german Prof. Schill, Dr. Braun Systemarchitektur
Proseminar Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 , MINF-04-PS 0/2/0 german/english Prof. Schill, Dr. Springer Systemarchitektur
Proseminar Rechnernetze INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 , MINF-04-PS 0/2/0 german Prof. Schill, Dr. Feldmann Systemarchitektur
Proseminar Service and Cloud Computing INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 , MINF-04-PS 0/2/0 german/english Prof. Schill, Dr. Braun Systemarchitektur
Computer Networks INF-B-370 , INF-D-270 , INF-LE-EUI , INF-LE-MA , INF-LE-PHY , INF-LE-WW , INF-SEBS-INF-10 , INF-SEGY-INF-10 , INF-SEMS-INF-10 , IST-05-PF-HS , MATH-MA-INFVSY 2/2/0 german Prof. Schill Systemarchitektur
Wireless Sensor Networks DSE-14-E2 , DSE-14-E5 , DSE-E2 , DSE-E5 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-1 , INF-DSE-20-E-WSN , INF-LE-EUI , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT4 , IST-05-FG-AVS , MCL-FE , MINF-04-FG-SAT 2/2/0 english Prof. Schill, Dr. Dargie Systemarchitektur

Systems Engineering

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Course Module hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Practical Course RoboLab INF-B-230 , INF-D-220 , INF-LE-EUI , IST-05-PF-GS 0/0/4 german Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Forschungsprojekt Systems Engineering INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-PM-FPA 0/0/8 german Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Foundations of Concurrent and Distributed Systems DSE-10-E7 , DSE-14-E6 , DSE-E6 , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-B-510 , INF-BAS3 , INF-BAS4 , INF-BI-1 , INF-DSE-20-E-FCDS , INF-VERT3 , INF-VERT4 , MCL-CSE , MINF-04-FG-SAT 4/0/0 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Hauptseminar Current Topics in Dependable Systems DSE-10-E7 , DSE-14-E11 , DSE-E11 , INF-04-HS , INF-AQUA , INF-D-940 , INF-DSE-20-E-SEM , IST-05-HS , MINF-04-HS 0/2/0 german Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Lab: Concurrent and Distributed Systems DSE-14-E6 , DSE-E6 , INF-04-KP , INF-DSE-20-E-FCDS-L , INF-MA-PR , MINF-04-KP-FG4 0/0/4 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Lab: Systems Engineering DSE-14-INT , DSE-INT , INF-04-KP , INF-DSE-20-M-INT , INF-E-4 , INF-MA-PR , IST-05-KP , MINF-04-KP-FG4 0/0/4 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Proseminar Systems Engineering INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 , MINF-04-PS 0/2/0 german Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Software Fault Tolerance DSE-10-E8 , DSE-14-E7 , DSE-E7 , INF-04-FG-AVS , INF-B-510 , INF-B-520 , INF-B-530 , INF-B-540 , INF-BAS3 , INF-BAS4 , INF-DSE-20-E-SFT , INF-LE-EUI , INF-PM-ANW , INF-VERT3 , INF-VERT4 , IST-05-FG-AVS , MINF-04-FG-SAT , NES-11-06-03 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer, Dr. Martin Systemarchitektur


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  • ZVZ ... Time is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants
  • AVO ... Room is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants


  • wöch. ... weekly
  • 1. Wo ... odd calendar week
  • 2. Wo ... even calendar week

semester as defined in the exam regulation. The modules are shown with their starting semester, thus modules taking more than one semester to complete may be shown with a lower semester number than the students actually have..

master level This course is intended for students in the master and diploma programs. This course is optional and only recommended for students with advanced knowledge.

module In addition to the modules of the Bachelor/Master/Diplom Informatik, Medieninformatik and Informationssystemtechnik programs the following modules for other study programs have been defined:

  • MCL-* ... Master Computational Logic
  • DSE-10* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2010)
  • DSE-14* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2014)
  • INF-LA* ... Bachelor/Master in Teachers Study Program
  • INF-SE* ... Staatsexamen Lehramt (Gymnasium, Mittelschule, berufsbildende Schulen)

and the following pseudo modules for older non-modularized study programs

  • INF-04* ... Diplom Informatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • MINF-04* ... Diplom Medieninformatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • IST-05* ... Diplom Informationssystemtechnik, exam and/or study regulations as of 2005-2010
  • INF-LE* ... Courses offered to students of other departments
  • FAK-INF-FF ... Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen für alle Studierende an der Fakultät Informatik

Exams The type and duration of exams are defined in the module handbook. Exceptions thereof are modules INF-AQUA, INF-B-510/20/30/40, INF-B-610 and INF-D-940 - the offered courses explicitly state the exam type and duration. Possible exam types are as follows::

  • Presentation and seminar paper
  • P(m) ... oral Exam (with stated duration)
  • P(s) ... written exam (with stated duration)
  • P(PP) ... Practical course protocol / Lab protocol
  • P(sA) ... written excerpt
  • P(PA) ... project paper
  • P(PE) ... gradeable outcome of a internship or project

Course Catalog Sommersemester 2021 - Institute Systemarchitektur