Course Catalog Wintersemester 2024/2025 - Study Program Computational Logic



MCL-FE Free Electives

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All other Master courses without reference to Computational Logic offered at the TU Dresden. In order to check whether a lecture is related to Computational Logic, students are requested to consult with the module representative.
Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik

MCL-P Project

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Project Group Computational Logic 0/0/4 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz
Project Group Theoretical Computer Science 0/0/4 english Prof. Baader, Dr.-Ing. Borgwardt Theoretische Informatik
Research Project Knowledge-Based Systems (MCL) 0/0/4 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik

MCL-PS Presentation Skills

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik
Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik
Seminar Theoretical Computer Science 0/2/0 english Prof. Baader, Dr. Kriegel Theoretische Informatik


MCL-AI Artificial Intelligence

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl Künstliche Intelligenz
Behind the Secrets of Large Language Models 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Färber, Prof. Dr. Razniewski Technische Informatik
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
Term Rewriting Systems 4/2/0 english Prof. Baader Theoretische Informatik

MCL-KR Knowledge Representation

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl Künstliche Intelligenz
Complexity Theory 4/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik
Knowledge Graphs 2/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch Theoretische Informatik

MCL-PI Principles of Inference

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl Künstliche Intelligenz
Behind the Secrets of Large Language Models 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Färber, Prof. Dr. Razniewski Technische Informatik
Complexity Theory 4/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
Term Rewriting Systems 4/2/0 english Prof. Baader Theoretische Informatik

MCL-TCSL Theoretical Computer Science and Logic

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Complexity Theory 4/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik
Knowledge Graphs 2/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch Theoretische Informatik
Modal Logic 2/2/0 english Dr. Fernández Gil Theoretische Informatik
Model Checking 4/4/0 english Prof. Baier, Dr. Klüppelholz Theoretische Informatik
Term Rewriting Systems 4/2/0 english Prof. Baader Theoretische Informatik


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  • ZVZ ... Time is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants
  • AVO ... Room is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants


  • wöch. ... weekly
  • 1. Wo ... odd calendar week
  • 2. Wo ... even calendar week

semester as defined in the exam regulation. The modules are shown with their starting semester, thus modules taking more than one semester to complete may be shown with a lower semester number than the students actually have..

master level This course is intended for students in the master and diploma programs. This course is optional and only recommended for students with advanced knowledge.

module In addition to the modules of the Bachelor/Master/Diplom Informatik, Medieninformatik and Informationssystemtechnik programs the following modules for other study programs have been defined:

  • MCL-* ... Master Computational Logic
  • DSE-10* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2010)
  • DSE-14* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2014)
  • INF-LA* ... Bachelor/Master in Teachers Study Program
  • INF-SE* ... Staatsexamen Lehramt (Gymnasium, Mittelschule, berufsbildende Schulen)

and the following pseudo modules for older non-modularized study programs

  • INF-04* ... Diplom Informatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • MINF-04* ... Diplom Medieninformatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • IST-05* ... Diplom Informationssystemtechnik, exam and/or study regulations as of 2005-2010
  • INF-LE* ... Courses offered to students of other departments
  • FAK-INF-FF ... Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen für alle Studierende an der Fakultät Informatik

Exams The type and duration of exams are defined in the module handbook. Exceptions thereof are modules INF-AQUA, INF-B-510/20/30/40, INF-B-610 and INF-D-940 - the offered courses explicitly state the exam type and duration. Possible exam types are as follows::

  • Presentation and seminar paper
  • P(m) ... oral Exam (with stated duration)
  • P(s) ... written exam (with stated duration)
  • P(PP) ... Practical course protocol / Lab protocol
  • P(sA) ... written excerpt
  • P(PA) ... project paper
  • P(PE) ... gradeable outcome of a internship or project

Course Catalog Wintersemester 2024/2025 - Study Program Computational Logic