Course Catalog Wintersemester 2023/2024 - Study Program Diplom Informationssystemtechnik, PO ab 2010


1. Fachsemester

INF-B-210 Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Algorithms and Data Structures 2/2/0 german Dr. Feldmann Systemarchitektur

INF-B-230 Einführungspraktikum RoboLab

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Practical Course RoboLab 0/0/4 german Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur

3. Fachsemester

INF-B-321 Softwaretechnologie-Projekt

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Project Course Software Engineering 0/0/4 german Prof. Aßmann, Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik

INF-B-330 Rechnerarchitektur

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Computer Architecture 1 2/2/0 german Prof. Dr. Kumar, Dr. Märcker Technische Informatik

INF-B-390 Technische Grundlagen und Hardwarepraktikum

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Technical Foundations 3/2/0 german Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik

5. Fachsemester

INF-B-275 Theorie und Anwendung formaler Systeme

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Formal Systems 4/2/0 german Prof. Krötzsch Theoretische Informatik

INF-B-380 Betriebssysteme und Sicherheit

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Operating Systems and Security 4/2/0 german Prof. Dr. Schirmeier Systemarchitektur


INF-BAS1 Angewandte Informatik

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Einführung in die Prozessanalyse und Systemidentifikation 1/1/0 german Prof. Wollschlaeger, Dr.-Ing. Dementyev Angewandte Informatik
Application of Computer Science in Automation 1/1/0 german Prof. Wollschlaeger Angewandte Informatik
Interactive Systems 1/1/0 german Prof. Weber Angewandte Informatik
Network Simulation (NwSim) 1/1/0 german/english Prof. Sommer Angewandte Informatik

INF-BAS2 Künstliche Intelligenz

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz
Automata and Logic 4/2/0 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
Foundations of Knowledge Representation 2/2/0 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz
Foundations of Logic Programming 2/0/0 english Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz
Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies 2/2/0 english Dr. Arndt Künstliche Intelligenz
Fuzzy Description Logic 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Borgwardt Theoretische Informatik
Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis 2/2/0 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz
Knowledge Graphs 2/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch Theoretische Informatik
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur
Touch Sensing and Processing 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz

INF-BAS4 Systemarchitektur

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Blockchain Technologies 2/2/0 english Prof. Tschorsch Systemarchitektur
Compiler Construction 2/0/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Compiler Construction 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Distributed Systems 2/2/0 english Dr. Springer, Dr. Vogel Systemarchitektur
Engineering Adaptive Mobile Applications 2/2/0 english Dr. Springer Systemarchitektur
Foundations of Certified Programming Language and Compiler Design 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo, Dr. Ertel Technische Informatik
Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Internet Measurements 2/2/0 german Prof. Wählisch, Mücke Systemarchitektur
Microkernel-Based Operating Systems 2/1/0 english Dr.-Ing. Roitzsch, Prof. Dr. Schirmeier Systemarchitektur
Prediction and Estimation Techniques 2/2/0 english Dr. Dargie Software- und Multimediatechnik
Principles of Dependable Systems 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur
Scalable Data Management 2/2/0 english Prof. Habich Systemarchitektur
Security and Cryptography I 2/2/0 english Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Service and Cloud Computing 2/2/0 german Dr. Braun Systemarchitektur
Application Security 2/0/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Systems Engineering I 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Systems Engineering II 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer, Dr. Martin Systemarchitektur
Security Lab 2/2/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur

INF-BAS5 Technische Informatik

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 4/2/2 german Prof. Nagel, Prof. Castrillon-Mazo, Prof. Dr. Kumar, Prof. Göhringer Technische Informatik

INF-VERT1 Vertiefung Angewandte Informatik

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Accessible Documents 2/2/0 german Prof. Weber Angewandte Informatik
Closed-loop Control in Networked Control Systems (CLC) 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Hensel, Prof. Sommer Angewandte Informatik
Cooperative Mobile Systems (CMS) 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Sommer Angewandte Informatik
Einführung in die Prozessanalyse und Systemidentifikation 1/1/0 german Prof. Wollschlaeger, Dr.-Ing. Dementyev Angewandte Informatik
Engineering of Industrial Communication Systems 2/0/0 german Prof. Wollschlaeger Angewandte Informatik
Internet of Things in Automation 2/0/0 german Dr.-Ing. Hilbert Angewandte Informatik
Cyber Physical Systems Lab 0/0/4 german Prof. Wollschlaeger Angewandte Informatik
Complex Practical Course Human-Computer Interaction 0/0/4 german Prof. Weber, Dr.-Ing. Loitsch Angewandte Informatik
Industrial Communications Lab 0/0/4 german Prof. Wollschlaeger Angewandte Informatik
Human-Computer Interaction 2/2/0 german Prof. Weber Angewandte Informatik
Network Management in Industrial Applications 2/0/0 german Dr. Lehmann Angewandte Informatik
Software Aspects of the Industrial Internet of Things 1/1/0 german Prof. Wollschlaeger Angewandte Informatik
Vehicular Networking (C2X) 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Sommer Angewandte Informatik

INF-VERT2 Vertiefung Künstliche Intelligenz

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz
Automata and Logic 4/2/0 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
Foundations of Knowledge Representation 2/2/0 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz
Foundations of Logic Programming 2/0/0 english Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz
Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies 2/2/0 english Dr. Arndt Künstliche Intelligenz
Fuzzy Description Logic 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Borgwardt Theoretische Informatik
Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Knowledge Graphs 2/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch Theoretische Informatik
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur
Touch Sensing and Processing 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz

INF-VERT3 Vertiefung Software- und Web-Engineering

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Automotive Software Safety 2/0/0 english Prof. Conrad Software- und Multimediatechnik
Accessible Documents 2/2/0 german Prof. Weber Angewandte Informatik
Practical Laboratory Course Interactive Media Lab 0/0/4 german/english Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik
Compiler Construction 2/0/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Compiler Construction 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik
Foundations of Virtual Reality 2/2/0 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik
Komplexpraktikum “Creative Immersive Media” 0/0/4 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik
Komplexpraktikum Applied Immersive Media 0/0/4 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik
Complex Practical Course Experiential Exhibitions 0/0/4 german Prof. Groh Software- und Multimediatechnik
Team Project Interactive Multimedia Technologies 0/0/4 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik
Practical Course Artistic Interaction Technology 0/0/4 german Prof. Groh Software- und Multimediatechnik
Complex Practical Course Human-Computer Interaction 0/0/4 german Prof. Weber, Dr.-Ing. Loitsch Angewandte Informatik
Practical Course OUTPUT.DD 0/0/4 german Prof. Groh Software- und Multimediatechnik
Advanced Practical Course Software Engineering 0/0/4 german Prof. Aßmann, Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik
Team Project User Interface Engineering 0/0/4 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik
Human-Computer Interaction 2/2/0 german Prof. Weber Angewandte Informatik
Model-Driven Software Development in Technical Spaces 2/2/0 english Prof. Aßmann Software- und Multimediatechnik
Requirements Engineering and Testing 2/2/0 german Dr. Wendt Software- und Multimediatechnik
Self-aware Computing Systems and Cobotics 2/0/0 english Prof. Aßmann, Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik
Seminar Interactive Multimedia Technologies 0/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik
Software as a Business 2/2/0 english Prof. Aßmann Software- und Multimediatechnik
Software Engineering II 2/2/0 german Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik
Touch Sensing and Processing 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz
User Interface Engineering 2/0/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik
User Interface Engineering – Lecture with Exercise 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik

INF-VERT4 Vertiefung Systemarchitektur

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Blockchain Technologies 2/2/0 english Prof. Tschorsch Systemarchitektur
Compiler Construction 2/0/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Compiler Construction 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Distributed Systems 2/2/0 english Dr. Springer, Dr. Vogel Systemarchitektur
Engineering Adaptive Mobile Applications 2/2/0 english Dr. Springer Systemarchitektur
Foundations of Certified Programming Language and Compiler Design 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo, Dr. Ertel Technische Informatik
Hardware Modeling and Simulation 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Göhringer Technische Informatik
Hauptseminar Databases 0/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german Prof. Lehner Systemarchitektur
Internet Measurements 2/2/0 german Prof. Wählisch, Mücke Systemarchitektur
Complex Lab Microkernel-Based Operating Systems 0/0/4 german/english Dr.-Ing. Roitzsch, Prof. Dr. Schirmeier Systemarchitektur
Komplexpraktikum Open Communication and Open Source for the Internet 0/0/4 german/english Prof. Wählisch, Mücke Systemarchitektur
Complex Lab Systems Programming 0/0/4 german/english Dr.-Ing. Roitzsch, Prof. Dr. Schirmeier Systemarchitektur
Microkernel-Based Operating Systems 2/1/0 english Dr.-Ing. Roitzsch, Prof. Dr. Schirmeier Systemarchitektur
Prediction and Estimation Techniques 2/2/0 english Dr. Dargie Software- und Multimediatechnik
Principles of Dependable Systems 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur
Scalable Data Management 2/2/0 english Prof. Habich Systemarchitektur
Security and Cryptography I 2/2/0 english Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Service and Cloud Computing 2/2/0 german Dr. Braun Systemarchitektur
Application Security 2/0/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur
Systems Engineering I 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer Systemarchitektur
Systems Engineering II 2/2/0 english Prof. Fetzer, Dr. Martin Systemarchitektur
Security Lab 2/2/0 german Dr. Köpsell Systemarchitektur

INF-VERT5 Vertiefung Technische Informatik

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Hier finden Sie die Modulbeschreibung.

Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Compiler Construction 2/0/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Compiler Construction 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
Efficient Parallel Algorithms 2/2/0 german Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik
Foundations of Certified Programming Language and Compiler Design 2/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo, Dr. Ertel Technische Informatik
Hardware Modeling and Simulation 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Göhringer Technische Informatik
Seminar Adaptive Computing Systems 0/2/0 german/english Prof. Göhringer Technische Informatik
Advanced Seminar Current Topics in Compiler Construction 0/2/0 english Prof. Castrillon-Mazo Technische Informatik
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik
Highly Parallel Programming of GPUs 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik
Concepts of Parallel Computing 2/0/0 german Dr.-Ing. Schöne Technische Informatik
Performance Analysis of Computing Systems 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel, Dr. Brunst Technische Informatik
Practical Embedded Hardware Systems Design 0/0/4 english Prof. Dr. Kumar, Dr. Ullah Technische Informatik
Seminar Current Topics in Embedded Systems 0/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Kumar, Dr. Ullah Technische Informatik


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  • ZVZ ... Time is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants
  • AVO ... Room is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants


  • wöch. ... weekly
  • 1. Wo ... odd calendar week
  • 2. Wo ... even calendar week

semester as defined in the exam regulation. The modules are shown with their starting semester, thus modules taking more than one semester to complete may be shown with a lower semester number than the students actually have..

master level This course is intended for students in the master and diploma programs. This course is optional and only recommended for students with advanced knowledge.

module In addition to the modules of the Bachelor/Master/Diplom Informatik, Medieninformatik and Informationssystemtechnik programs the following modules for other study programs have been defined:

  • MCL-* ... Master Computational Logic
  • DSE-10* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2010)
  • DSE-14* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2014)
  • INF-LA* ... Bachelor/Master in Teachers Study Program
  • INF-SE* ... Staatsexamen Lehramt (Gymnasium, Mittelschule, berufsbildende Schulen)

and the following pseudo modules for older non-modularized study programs

  • INF-04* ... Diplom Informatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • MINF-04* ... Diplom Medieninformatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • IST-05* ... Diplom Informationssystemtechnik, exam and/or study regulations as of 2005-2010
  • INF-LE* ... Courses offered to students of other departments
  • FAK-INF-FF ... Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen für alle Studierende an der Fakultät Informatik

Exams The type and duration of exams are defined in the module handbook. Exceptions thereof are modules INF-AQUA, INF-B-510/20/30/40, INF-B-610 and INF-D-940 - the offered courses explicitly state the exam type and duration. Possible exam types are as follows::

  • Presentation and seminar paper
  • P(m) ... oral Exam (with stated duration)
  • P(s) ... written exam (with stated duration)
  • P(PP) ... Practical course protocol / Lab protocol
  • P(sA) ... written excerpt
  • P(PA) ... project paper
  • P(PE) ... gradeable outcome of a internship or project

Course Catalog Wintersemester 2023/2024 - Study Program Diplom Informationssystemtechnik, PO ab 2010