Course Catalog Wintersemester 2023/2024 - Study Program Computational Modeling and Simulation, Master, PO 2020


Pflichtmodule Grundlagenausbildung

CMS-PRO Research Project

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
CMS Research Project Immersive Visualisation 0/0/12 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik
CMS Research Project Machine Learning 0/12/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz
CMS Research Project Model Checking (0/0/12) english Dr. Klüppelholz Theoretische Informatik
CMS Research Project Robot Learning 0/0/12 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz
Research Project Computational Biology 0/0/12 english Prof. Sbalzarini Künstliche Intelligenz
Research Project Computational Logic (CMS) 0/0/12 english Prof. Rudolph, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz
Research Project Knowledge-Based Systems (CMS) 0/0/12 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik
Modeling Project Theoretical Computer Science 0/0/12 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik
Research Project Interactive Visual Computing 0/0/12 english Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik

CMS-SEM Literature Studies in Computational Modeling

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CMS-SEM wird ab dem Sommersemester 2024 in Application Areas unterteilt dargestellt. Siehe CMS-SEM (Application Area A) Literature Studies in Computational Modeling bis CMS-SEM (Application Area F) Literature Studies in Computational Modeling. In vorherigen Semestern erscheint das Angebot noch nicht vereinzelt.
Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Research Seminar Combinatorial Image Analysis 0/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation
Research Seminar Robot Learning 0/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz 80% Oral Presentation + 20% Written seminar report
Hauptseminar Animating Museum Artefacts 0/2/0 german Dr.-Ing. Franke Software- und Multimediatechnik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation
Hauptseminar Immersive Media 0/2/0 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation
Seminar Conversational Artificial Intelligence 0/2/0 english Hon.-Prof. Dr. Lehmann Künstliche Intelligenz Präsentation 30 Minuten
Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/2/0 english Dr. Cramer Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation

CMS-SKL Soft Skills

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Philosophy of Science and good Scientific Practice 2/0/0 english Dr. Gopan Künstliche Intelligenz benotetes Referat

Wahlpflichtmodule Grundlagenausbildung

CMS-COR-DBM Database Management

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur

CMS-COR-FAI Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz

CMS-COR-HPC Parallel Programming and High-Performance Computing

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik

CMS-COR-KM Knowledge Models

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Knowledge Graphs 2/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch Theoretische Informatik

CMS-COR-MLD Machine Learning and Data Mining

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Modulverantwortlicher bis 21.07.2021: Prof. Dr. Ivo Sbalzerini; Modulverantwortlicher ab 21.07.2021: Prof. Dr. Björn Andres
Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz

CMS-COR-NUM Basic Numerical Methods

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Basic Numerical Methods 2/2/0 english Dr. Gopan Künstliche Intelligenz

CMS-COR-SAP Stochastics and Probability

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Zechner, Dr. Gopan Software- und Multimediatechnik

CMS-COR-SSE Scientific Software Engineering

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik

CMS-COR-VIZ Data Visualization

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik

Wahlpflichtbereich fachliche Profilierung

CMS-CE-EL1 Computational Engineering Basics

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Computer Graphics I 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Roller, Dr.-Ing. Huismann Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20 min
Higher computational fluid dynamics 2/1/0 german Dr. Stiller Andere Fakultäten
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min
Performance Analysis of Computing Systems 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel, Dr. Brunst Technische Informatik P(m) 25 Min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker

CMS-CE-EL2 Computational Engineering Advanced

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Computer Graphics I 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
Higher computational fluid dynamics 2/1/0 german Dr. Stiller Andere Fakultäten
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min
Performance Analysis of Computing Systems 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel, Dr. Brunst Technische Informatik P(m) 25 Min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker

CMS-CLS-ELG Computational Life Science Basics

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Basic Numerical Methods 2/2/0 english Dr. Gopan Künstliche Intelligenz <10 Studenten P(m): 30 min, Einzelprüfung/ >10 P(s) 90 min
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Roller, Dr.-Ing. Huismann Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20 min
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Zechner, Dr. Gopan Software- und Multimediatechnik <10 Studenten P(m): 30 min, Einzelprüfung/ >10 P(s) 90 min
User Interface Engineering – Lecture with Exercise 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min. + P(PA) 90h

CMS-CLS-ELV Computational Life Science Advanced

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Computer-and robot-assisted Surgery 2/2/0 english Prof. Speidel, Dr.-Ing. Bodenstedt Andere Fakultäten P(m) 30min
Computer Graphics III 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m) 20min
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90 min
Interactive Multimedia Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german/english Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min
Machine Learning I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Zechner, Dr. Gopan Software- und Multimediatechnik <10 Studenten P(m): 30 min, Einzelprüfung/ >10 P(s) 90 min
User Interface Engineering – Lecture with Exercise 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min. + P(PA) 90h

CMS-CMA-ELG Computational Mathematics Basics

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Roller, Dr.-Ing. Huismann Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20 min
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker

CMS-CMA-ELV1 Computational Mathematics Advanced

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker

CMS-CMA-ELV2 Computational Mathematics Applications

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min

CMS-EE-EL1 Computational Modeling in Engery Economics Basics

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90 min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker

CMS-EE-EL2 Computational Modelling in Energy Economics Advanced

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90 min
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker

CMS-LM-ADV Advanced Logical Modeling

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Automata and Logic 4/2/0 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik P(m) 25min
Complexity Theory 4/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik laut Modulbeschreibung
Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies 2/2/0 english Dr. Arndt Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20min
Fuzzy Description Logic 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Borgwardt Theoretische Informatik P(m) 20min
Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis 2/2/0 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20min
Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik Projektarbeit
Model Checking 4/4/0 english Prof. Baier, Dr. Klüppelholz Theoretische Informatik P(m) 30min
Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/2/0 english Dr. Cramer Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation
Seminar Theoretical Computer Science 0/2/0 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation

CMS-LM-AI Artificial Intelligence

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
CMS Research Project Robot Learning 0/0/12 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz 80% Written project report + 20% oral presentation
Fuzzy Description Logic 2/2/0 english Dr.-Ing. Borgwardt Theoretische Informatik P(m) 20min
Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis 2/2/0 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20min
Advanced Research Project Robot Learning 0/0/8 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz 80% Written project report + 20% oral presentation
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker
Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 0/2/0 english Dr. Cramer Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Seminar Theoretical Computer Science 0/2/0 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation

CMS-LM-BAS Foundations of Logical Modeling

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Foundations of Knowledge Representation 2/2/0 english Prof. Rudolph Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20min
Foundations of Logic Programming 2/0/0 english Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 20min
Modal Logic 2/2/0 english Dr. Piribauer Theoretische Informatik P(m) 25min

CMS-LM-MOC Models of Computation

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Automata and Logic 4/2/0 english Dr. Turhan Theoretische Informatik P(m) 25min
Complexity Theory 4/2/0 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik laut Modulbeschreibung
Lab Course Modeling and Automated Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik Projektarbeit
Model Checking 4/4/0 english Prof. Baier, Dr. Klüppelholz Theoretische Informatik P(m) 30min
Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification 0/2/0 english Prof. Baier Theoretische Informatik Seminararbeit inkl. Präsentation

CMS-LM-TEA Logical Modeling Teamproject

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute
Team Project Model Checking 0/0/8 english Dr. Klüppelholz Theoretische Informatik
Team Project Computational Logic (CMS) 0/0/8 english Prof. Rudolph, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz
Team Project Knowledge-Based Systems (CMS) 0/0/8 english Prof. Krötzsch, Dr. Ellmauthaler, Dr. Mennicke Theoretische Informatik

CMS-VC-ELG Visual Computing Basics

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Computer-and robot-assisted Surgery 2/2/0 english Prof. Speidel, Dr.-Ing. Bodenstedt Andere Fakultäten P(m) 30min
Computer Graphics I 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Data Visualization 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Prof. Dachselt Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90 min
Interactive Multimedia Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german/english Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min
Introduction to Research Software Engineering 1/1/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Dr.-Ing. Juckeland Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 45 min / P(m) 15 min bei unter 10 Studierenden
User Interface Engineering – Lecture with Exercise 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min. + P(PA) 90h

CMS-VC-ELV1 Visual Computing Advanced

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Computer-and robot-assisted Surgery 2/2/0 english Prof. Speidel, Dr.-Ing. Bodenstedt Andere Fakultäten P(m) 30min
Computer Graphics I 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Computer Graphics III 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m) 20min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
Foundations of Virtual Reality 2/2/0 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m) 25min wenn <15 Teilnehmer, sonst P(s) 120min
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90 min
Highly Parallel Programming of GPUs 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90min
Interactive Multimedia Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german/english Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min
Introduction to Research Software Engineering 1/1/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Dr.-Ing. Juckeland Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 45 min / P(m) 15 min bei unter 10 Studierenden
Komplexpraktikum “Creative Immersive Media” 0/0/4 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik Projektarbeit inkl. Präsentation
Komplexpraktikum Applied Immersive Media 0/0/4 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik Projektarbeit inkl. Präsentation
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker
Touch Sensing and Processing 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz 80% Oral examination + 20% exercises
User Interface Engineering – Lecture with Exercise 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min. + P(PA) 90h

CMS-VC-ELV2 Visual Computing Applications

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Course hours per week Language Lecturer Institute Exam
Advanced Problem Solving and Search 2/2/0 english Dr. Gaggl, Dr. habil. Straß Künstliche Intelligenz P(s) 90min (bei <10 TN P(m) 30min)
Automotive Software Safety 2/0/0 english Prof. Conrad Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m) 15min bei Teilnehmer < 10, sonst P(s) 60min
Computer Vision I 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Andres Künstliche Intelligenz P(m) 15 min.
Computer-and robot-assisted Surgery 2/2/0 english Prof. Speidel, Dr.-Ing. Bodenstedt Andere Fakultäten P(m) 30min
Computer Graphics I 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90 min
Computer Graphics III 2/2/0 english Prof. Gumhold Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m) 20min
Design Patterns and Frameworks 2/2/0 english Dr. Götz Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m)
Foundations of Virtual Reality 2/2/0 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik P(m) 25min wenn <15 Teilnehmer, sonst P(s) 120min
High Performance Computing 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90 min
Highly Parallel Programming of GPUs 2/2/0 english Prof. Nagel Technische Informatik P(s) 90min
Interactive Multimedia Information Retrieval 2/2/0 german/english Dr. Mitschick Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min
Introduction to Mathematical Biology II: Continuum Models 2/1/0 english Dr. Brusch, Prof. Deutsch Technische Informatik P(m) 30 min
Introduction to Research Software Engineering 1/1/0 english Prof. Gumhold, Dr.-Ing. Juckeland Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 45 min / P(m) 15 min bei unter 10 Studierenden
Komplexpraktikum “Creative Immersive Media” 0/0/4 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik Projektarbeit inkl. Präsentation
Komplexpraktikum Applied Immersive Media 0/0/4 english Jun.-Prof. McGinity Software- und Multimediatechnik Projektarbeit inkl. Präsentation
Scalable Data Engineering 2/2/0 english Prof. Lehner, Dr. Hartmann Systemarchitektur P(s) für CMS; P(m) 25 Min für Informatiker
Touch Sensing and Processing 2/2/0 english Prof. Dr. Calandra Künstliche Intelligenz 80% Oral examination + 20% exercises
User Interface Engineering – Lecture with Exercise 2/2/0 german/english Prof. Dachselt, Dr. Rzayev Software- und Multimediatechnik P(s) 90min. + P(PA) 90h


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  • ZVZ ... Time is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants
  • AVO ... Room is to be announced or will be set on agreement between course participants


  • wöch. ... weekly
  • 1. Wo ... odd calendar week
  • 2. Wo ... even calendar week

semester as defined in the exam regulation. The modules are shown with their starting semester, thus modules taking more than one semester to complete may be shown with a lower semester number than the students actually have..

master level This course is intended for students in the master and diploma programs. This course is optional and only recommended for students with advanced knowledge.

module In addition to the modules of the Bachelor/Master/Diplom Informatik, Medieninformatik and Informationssystemtechnik programs the following modules for other study programs have been defined:

  • MCL-* ... Master Computational Logic
  • DSE-10* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2010)
  • DSE-14* ... Master Distributed Systems Engineering (PO 2014)
  • INF-LA* ... Bachelor/Master in Teachers Study Program
  • INF-SE* ... Staatsexamen Lehramt (Gymnasium, Mittelschule, berufsbildende Schulen)

and the following pseudo modules for older non-modularized study programs

  • INF-04* ... Diplom Informatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • MINF-04* ... Diplom Medieninformatik, exam and/or study regulation as of 2004
  • IST-05* ... Diplom Informationssystemtechnik, exam and/or study regulations as of 2005-2010
  • INF-LE* ... Courses offered to students of other departments
  • FAK-INF-FF ... Fakultative Lehrveranstaltungen für alle Studierende an der Fakultät Informatik

Exams The type and duration of exams are defined in the module handbook. Exceptions thereof are modules INF-AQUA, INF-B-510/20/30/40, INF-B-610 and INF-D-940 - the offered courses explicitly state the exam type and duration. Possible exam types are as follows::

  • Presentation and seminar paper
  • P(m) ... oral Exam (with stated duration)
  • P(s) ... written exam (with stated duration)
  • P(PP) ... Practical course protocol / Lab protocol
  • P(sA) ... written excerpt
  • P(PA) ... project paper
  • P(PE) ... gradeable outcome of a internship or project

Course Catalog Wintersemester 2023/2024 - Study Program Computational Modeling and Simulation, Master, PO 2020